Dr. Gottlob Institut
Hauptmannsreute 21 b
D - 70192 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone: +49-711-5188 9950
Fax: +49-711-5188 9948
Mobile: +49-172-623 5862
VAT-Id.No.: DE 189381341
Realization: Dr. Axel Gottlob
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In addition to the educational part Dr. Axel Gottlob also offers reserach and coaching services. Furthermore he gives lectures and training sessions at congresses, clinics, performance centers and companies.
Read all about the history of Dr. Gottlob Institut, the complete biography of Dr. Axel Gottlob and find his publications.
Dr. Gottlob Institut
Hauptmannsreute 21 b
D-70192 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone: + 49-711-5188 9950
Fax: + 49-711-5188 9948
Mobile: + 49-172-623 5862